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Boosting ad relevance in key global markets

Explore how TELUS Digital reviews over one million ads per month for one of the world’s biggest social networking platforms.

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Approved evaluators

Geographic markets

Ad reviews per month

The challenge

As a leading social networking site, our client enables businesses to deliver native advertisements to clearly defined target audiences.

Now more than ever, consumers expect to be served content that is both useful and contextually relevant. As a result, it’s critical to show ads that people actually want to see. Ad relevance can improve the overall user experience while maximizing campaign performance for advertisers.

The client needed a solution that could provide enough diverse training data for its platform, in order to boost ad relevance on a global scale.

This involved collecting millions of ad reviews from users in a variety of geographic and demographic markets.

The TELUS Digital solution

Our client partnered with TELUS Digital for a one-stop solution to provide training data for their ad delivery platform, which involved:

Evaluator management platform

We developed a robust platform for evaluator screening, onboarding and workflow management. We screened over 100,000 candidates, and within a few weeks, the client began receiving hundreds of thousands of ad reviews from a crowd of over 4,000 approved local evaluators.

Custom reporting

Our team provides custom reports to the client on a monthly basis, which include detailed statistics about evaluator performance, output quality and more.

Process improvement

Over the years, our team of project managers has worked closely with the client to assemble teams of annotators in new markets, as well as improve their in-house evaluation tools.

The results

The geographic and demographic diversity of our evaluator pool has proven invaluable to our client’s training model. Over 100,000 candidates were reviewed and over 4,000 evaluators in more than 10 geographic markets were approved.

The AI Community mapped closely to the client’s existing users and completed over 1 million ad reviews per month, allowing them to deliver much more personalized ads than they had in the past.

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